Last year I participated in my first ever Thirty Day Blogging Challenge. As a blogger I’ve always seen many other of my peers do it and while I think it is a wonderful exercise in discipline for those of us who enjoy sharing on our blogs, it is something that I have always perceived as daunting. Well, I bit the bullet and put in the work to successfully complete my first ever blogging challenge.
The best part about my challenge was that it featured two things I love: food and farmers. Since I love food and I love agriculture, I figured.. Why not put the two together? I loved last year’s challenge so much I have decided to do it again this year. So here we are once again!
For the entire month of November, I will be sharing one recipe a day which will highlight a feature ingredient. Along with the recipe, I will also feature a farmer, rancher, or producer who grows that featured ingredient. I’ve got dairy farmers, nut farmers, pork producers, and everything else in between! I can’t wait to share with you all the new farmer features as well as the recipes that go along with each farmer feature!
If this is something that interests you, I hope you will hang around for all this food and farming for the next thirty days! And feel free to share!!
How Can You Follow Along?
I’m glad you asked! There are a few ways!
- Subscribe to my blog using the yellow Stay In Touch Box to your right —– >>
- Last year, I had numerous complaints that daily emails are too much and honestly, I don’t blame you. I will be suspending my regularly scheduled emails sent every single time I blog and instead will be grouping them together for this blogging series. In an effort to keep your inbox de-cluttered during Thirty Days of Food, I will be sharing all the delicious recipes and farmer features once a week versus every single day. Your regularly scheduled email updates will return after the month of November.
- I have created a page for this series, you can find it here: THIRTY DAYS OF FOOD. The page includes both new recipes as well as the features from last year.
- The series can be found multiple places on my homepage. In the feature slider. Underneath the feature slider. And on the right hand sidebar, under my Subscribe box. Simply click on any of the links and you can browse all the recipes I will share throughout the month!
- If none of those are your style, you can always Follow Prairie Californian on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.
I’ve already cooked up half of the recipes for you all! I cannot wait to share them as well as share the wonderful stories of these farmers!
I know you have put a lot of hard work into this series from following you on social media. Can’t wait to see what you have “cooked up”! I know it will be great.
Awwww thank you!! It is a lot of work, but I also love it!!
Looking forward to reading this series! 🙂