Figured I would pop in here and give you all a little pregnancy update as I’ve received many emails and messages making sure I am doing okay! Y’all are the best, seriously! I don’t plan to have regularly scheduled updates because thus far I can barely make it through life let alone a set blogging schedule. I finally have some energy enough to cook, photograph, and blog recipes so stay tuned for some new content coming up!!
So here’s what has been going on…
How far along? 13 weeks today
How big is baby? 3 inches, they say about the size of a peach. Can’t wait to have another ultrasound to see how much baby has grown, it is truly remarkable!
Maternity clothes? I just ordered my first pair of maternity jeans. I simply cannot even deal with my regular jeans anymore, even with a belly band, which isn’t my favorite thing. It is getting undeniable that I am pregnant, between bloating and a baby belly, it is very apparent most of the time! I am wishing for it to just be warm so I can get away with dresses and leggings exclusively and be done with it!
Sleep: I still sleep like the dead. Pretty much a minimum of 10 hours a night. Mornings and evenings are still a little rough, but during the day I feel really good. So I have been enjoying the more energy during the day, I hope it keeps up! Having zero motivation has been really hard for me. I am usually very creative and constantly coming up with new ideas and projects to work on, that has pretty much been non-existent since I’ve been pregnant. Slowly but surely it is coming back, so expect more on the blog coming up!
Best moment this week: Sharing a video of the heartbeat with our family and friends!!
Movement: Haven’t felt anything yet.
Food cravings: I have hit this period where nothing sounds particularly good. I do get random cravings for completely random things and will make them. Lately I’ve been enjoying milkshakes and chocolate milk. I eat an apple pretty much every single day. Mac and cheese or a peanut butter & jelly are the only things that sound consistently good to me. I also just ordered $60 worth of fancy ice cream online, so there’s that!
Food Aversions: none so far. It is just if something doesn’t sound good, I don’t eat it.
Gender: We will HOPEFULLY find out in April, stay tuned!!
Pregnancy Symptoms: Physically: Heartburn has started which is new. Still have headaches that come and go. I get growing or round ligament pains mostly at night. Those have started on the other side now. I’ve started to sleep with a pillow between my legs as my hips and lower back will hurt if I don’t. I still have to pee all the time, especially at nights. And I still need my sleep! I think that’s about it! Overall, I can’t complain. It could be MUCH worse so I am thankful!
Mentally: I am honestly still in the OMG this is happening stage!? When you think about having children, you think it will be this euphoria of happiness, but it is really a mixed bag of emotions. Hormones probably don’t help this any. Just knowing that I am growing a little life in me that will be ours for the rest of our lives is pretty intimidating. I have been working a lot on just enjoying the NOW instead of worrying about the future and taking each day as it comes. I keep reminding myself that God gave us this miracle and that He will give us exactly what we need to make it through every step of the way! Even though we are now pregnant, it is still an every day exercising in TRUSTING him!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender and getting started on our nursery! It really bothers me to call Baby R an “it” right now. I am also looking forward to a little more energy and motivation.
Weekly Wisdom: Many seasoned mommas out there just keep reminding me to rest and sleep while I can, it won’t always be like this so take advantage of it while you can!
Milestones: Next week we hit second trimester!!!
Again, thank you all for the well wishes, prayers, and messages! It is truly amazing to know that this baby is being prayed for and loved by so many already!!
Rest while you can FOR SURE!! Congratulations!!
so glad you posted this as I have been thinking about you….it’s all normal. Looking forward to seeing the before and after of nursery decorating
Love your blog…Congrats on the baby! <3 From one farmer's wife to another. . .