Planting Bt Sweet Corn

Planting Bt Sweet Corn

I know they say don’t count your chickens before they hatch… But of the many things I am looking forward to this summer is a WHOLE BUNCH of sweet corn!! And although it JUST got planted yesterday, I am already making plans about what to do with it. For any of you who know my love/obsession with cream corn know that I will just be in heaven! Needless to say, I was ecstatic over my farmer telling me he bought some to try out! (He’s the best, ain’t he!?)

Here it is…

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And here is the planter in action planting that delicious sweet corn… [youtube]

Now for those of you unfamiliar with sweet corn or haven’t ever tried to grow it may not know that insects LOVE sweet corn. Pretty much if you don’t spray the dickens out of it, the insects will eat it up. Sweet corn makes up less than one percent of total corn acreage in the United States (field corn and sweet corn), yet accounts for 40% of all corn insecticide treatments! 

So in knowing this seed companies have put out a new product Bt Sweet Corn! (Enter the corn my farmer so lovingly planted for us). This sweet corn contains a natural occurring protein, Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt, built into the seed through biotechnology. Basically this protein helps to protect the sweet corn from damaging worms and other insects. IN FACT, this protein is often used as an insecticide by organic farmers! WHAT!? Yep, check it out! 

So basically, this sweet corn makes it easier for the farmer by first drastically reducing the amount of insecticide needed (reduced insecticide use by up to 85 percent!!), reducing fuel and energy use from fewer trips across the field in spraying, as well as cutting CO2 emissions! 

You may be saying, hey wait a minute, this sweet corn is GMO! And you are indeed correct. But there is no need to be afraid of consuming it. In fact, we’ve been consuming it for years with no adverse affects. According to an article put out by Best Food Facts

” Genetically-engineered foods are rigorously tested before marketing. These tests are designed to ensure there are no adverse effects on human health now or in the future. Sweet corn uses a protein that has been used in agriculture since 1937. Not only does it have a history of safe use, it has been extensively tested by HealthCanada, the European Food Safety Authority, the Korean FDA, Food Standards Australia & New Zealand, & the Japan Food Safety Commission, among others. All reports to the contrary do not hold up under close inspection. There is an abundance of scientific evidence and published research, as well as more than 15 years of experience with GE crops that provide strong evidence of their safety. There is no credible scientific evidence that they cause allergies or that they would have any long-term health effects.”

I am not a biotechnology scientist, nor am I a specialist in any form of bio-technology. But what I do know is that these three are experts in the field of biotechnology, it is what they do day-in and day-out. If I had any concern about genetically engineered foods, these are the people I would be trusting to provide me with the correct information (not the news media, not my green local source for news, and certainly not a celebrity chef). 

Anyways, back to my beloved sweet corn! Now that you’ve got a little history on it.. Let’s get onto the fun part! Figuring out what I am going to do with ALL THIS SWEET CORN!? Hoping that it grows and turns out just fine.. I did a little brainstorming… Turns out, there are so many yummy and delicious uses for sweet corn!

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Grilled Flank Steak topped with Corn Relish

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Corn Chowder with Chilies

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Corn Fritters

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Garden Corn & Black Bean Salad

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Fresh Corn Risotto with Wild Rice and Pancetta

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Grilled Corn Guacamole

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Sweet Corn Ice Cream


The Best Cream Corn Recipe You'll Ever FindPin this image on Pinterest


Creamed Corn

So needless to say, I am a BIT excited over all of this sweet corn we will be enjoying for the next year!Now all that’s left is for the stuff to grow! GROW BABY GROW!

Are you a sweet corn lover? 

For more information on the benefits of Bt Sweet Corn, check out these links:
Benefits of Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn Grown a Better Way
How Sweet It Is: Monsanto's Bt Sweet Corn
Bt Sweet Corn: What It Is and Why Should We Use It? 



  1. farmchiclogic
    May 18, 2012 / 10:47 am

    Great Post! Thank you for the mention.

  2. May 19, 2012 / 8:52 am

    Thanks for the shout out, Jenny! One thing people might say is that insecticide applied over the top of sweet corn can be washed off or that it is on the husk and not the ear itself. This is true, but it is also why so many applications are needed since the bugs can in the husk as well.

    Can’t wash the Bt protein off the biotech corn you say? Well you would have to eat a impossible amount of corn before you ingested a toxic level.

  3. June 14, 2012 / 10:23 am

    Corn fritters are to die for especially with syrup. Also what is the recipe for the cream corn?

    • June 14, 2012 / 10:28 am

      Thanks for the comment! 🙂 Is the link right under the photo..? It should link to the recipe but it’s possible I spaced. 😉

  4. A Mother
    August 3, 2012 / 8:04 pm

    Would you think that if I have concerns about smoking and tobacco use and second hand smoke I should get my answers from Phillips Morris, or maybe the cigar shop? That’s your logic. I dare you to post this! It seems you don’t publish any comments against your view. That shows an extremely biased view.

    • August 3, 2012 / 8:12 pm

      Thank you for taking the time to comment. I don’t believe Phillip Morris to be considered an expert in the field of smoking and second hand smoke. I do however believe them to be an expert in marketing. Regardless of the logic, I am celebrating a product that I know the people who sold it to us, I know many people who work for the company, I watched it grow, I know exactly what went into growing it, I even picked some of the finished product. And I have full confidence in eating it. As do many farmers across the nation who are also sharing their story. And that’s all I am doing here so I’m sorry if you took it another way or couldn’t get over my personal stance. I invite you to please ask me what you wish so we can have a conversation. But if you are simply going to criticize me or demean me this isn’t the place. Thanks.

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