The Importance of Crop Rotation

The Importance of Crop Rotation

You talk to any farmer across the nation, and most will agree the importance and benefit to crop rotation. Crop rotation plays an important function in farming. Utilizing a crop rotation can help keep pests and diseases under control,  help to…

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Freezing Sweet Corn

Freezing Sweet Corn

If any of you know my husband, you know his love for sweet corn. If you don’t happen to know my husband, let me tell you… eating upwards of four cobs of corn is not anything surprising in our household.…

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Sweet Corn Chile Chowder

Sweet Corn Chile Chowder

This weekend, our weather took a dip in temperature and suddenly it felt very much like fall. I tried to fight saying goodbye to summer, but eventually I gave in… It helped that I got my boots out which have been…

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Why Corn?

Why Corn?

Corn seems to be the crop we always throw stones at. Either we’re growing too much corn or farmers are becoming too rich off of growing corn or corn is the devil because most of what is planted in the…

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Poblano Corn Fritters

Poblano Corn Fritters

I picked up some poblanos a couple weeks ago and I’ve throwing around ideas on how to use them. I always find them in recipes whenever I don’t have them on hand. Finally have them on hand and bam, no…

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