I don’t know if your man is anything like mine, but buying gifts for him can be a challenge. It seems like most gift suggestions for men revolve around all things my man isn’t. He doesn’t work in an office, he doesn’t have traditional hobbies like golf, he isn’t into what it is on trend for clothes, and he certainly doesn’t wear a suit and tie. I guess he’s not your “average” man and I feel like there are a lot of men out there who don’t really fit the bill when it comes to traditional gift guides.
So I wanted to put together my man’s ultimate gift guide… for the not your average man! Many of these things are things my husband owns and loves, wears daily, or I’ve bought him as gifts. Some are practical, some are splurges — but all are husband tested and approved!
1 // RTIC 64 OZ BOTTLE — My husband purchased these for his business and he loves them. He can take a long water in the combine or tractor and it stays cold for hours!! They also work well for a beer growler in places you can’t bring glass! You’re welcome. 😉
2 // HARRY’S RAZORS — I bought the hubby these on a whim last Christmas and turns out he LOVES them. He says they’re one of the best razors and the best part is that they are WAY cheaper than most razors and replacement blades.
3 // TRAYVAX WALLET — The hubby purchased this wallet for himself and has carried it for at least a year now. He loves it now that it is worn in — since it is leather, it does take a little time to wear in.
4 // CINCH BUTTON DOWN SHIRTS — This is the ONLY button down shirt my husband will wear. Since he has a long torso and long arms, finding a button down dressier shirt that fits and stays tucked in even when he raises his arms is nearly impossible. Since these Cinch shirts are made for roping, the arms and torso are longer than your traditional shirt. These are his go-to and they are a great quality shirt even after multiple washes and times in the dryer.
5 // BOSE NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES — If your man travels at all, he NEEDS these. The hubby bought a pair of these (no joke) after he won the cash during a layover in Vegas and hasn’t looked back. He bought me a pair for Christmas a couple years back and if I forget them when I travel, I am lost! They are amazing for flying as they drown out any and all noises. Worth the investment and then some!
6 // KINCO LEATHER DRIVERS — Every working man needs a good pair of leather work gloves. My hubby buys these by the handful. We always have a pair lying around and a couple spares in the closet.
7 // MAUI JIM SUNGLASSES — Besides one pair of Ray Bans, Maui Jim are the only sunglasses the hubs will wear. And he wears a pair DAILY. He has worn them for years and has even sent several pairs in to be repaired. Their customer service is excellent and their products are built tough. These World Cup style sunglasses are next on his list.
8 // STORMY KROMER RANCHER CAP — If you live anywhere it is cold, buy this cap. It is the hubby’s every day cap in the winter. He owns multiples of them. Stormy Kromer makes caps without the ear flaps, but the ear flaps are a MUST in the frozen tundra!
9 // FILSON 24 HOUR TIN BRIEFCASE — The hubby bought this for himself (do you see a trend here!?) a couple years back and now he won’t travel anywhere without it. It is always packed with the essentials he needs to get out the door and go! It also pairs VERY nicely with the Filson carry on style suitcase if you are looking for a big splurge! We LOVE ours!!
10// JOHN WAYNE ETCHED WHISKY GLASSES — Every whisky lovin’ man needs a good whisky glass. These are SO fun! They are etched with quotes about whisky and bourbon from people like John Wayne, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, etc.
11 // COTTON HANKIES — Another thing my husband carries every day in his back pocket is a hankey. It is very “traditional” of him, but they’ve come in handy many, many times. They are always a go-to practical gift for me to give him since these get laundered a lot.
12 // RTIC SOFT SIDED COOLER — Since we live in the middle of nowhere, I keep one of these in my Tahoe all the time. They are so handy for when you need to keep groceries cold or when you need to travel with the important stuff like beer! They also work nicely to take along to work to keep a large lunch & drinks cold!
13 // STORMY KROMER OUTFITTER VEST — Finding vests that fit the hubs is impossible. This vest fits and is the perfect solution for a dressier vest that he can pair with his Cinch shirts in the fall and winter. He owns this vest in three colors and wears them constantly.
14 // FORTY CREEK RESERVE COPPER POT WHISKY — If you have never heard of Forty Creek Whisky, do yourself a favor and find it to try. It is our go-to, always have on hand whisky (along with Pendleton). This Copper Pot Reserve makes for a nice special occasion, sipping whisky. If your man is a whisky lover, I am sure he will love it!
I love this post. My hubbs definitely fits into this ‘not your average man’ category and he never knows what he wants for his birthday or Christmas. Fortunately he is a gem and grateful for anything I come up with but this list has some handy things on it I will definitely be looking into for him for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you love it! And I hope he enjoys whatever you choose off of this list! 🙂
My hubby is a farmer and soooo hard to buy for. Tell me more about these Harry’s Razors. (He’s a very hairy guy and needs a quality razor.) The replacement blades for the name brand ones are crazy expensive. What makes these better…?
My hubby is also very hairy and has VERY coarse hair on his face and his head. He keeps one of these in the shower to shave his head and one in his bathroom cabinet to shave his face. The quality of these razors is equal to (if not a little better) than any name brand razor but at a MUCH less cost. The hubby notes that the blades on these stay sharp much longer than his name brand ones did also!
Thank you for the great list!! Quick question, on the noise cancelling headphones, do you have the wired or the wireless? Have been wanting to get a pair as a gift and am comparing the two … thx!
Both the hubs and I have the wired! We have not tried the wireless, but I would imagine they are just as awesome!
My hubs is a farmer in ND as well. Something I would add to your list would be the long sleeve shirts from Columbia with the built in sun protection. (I think they are aimed at fishermen.) I have great luck cleaning them up when they get filthy, they breath well and they have the added bonus of sun protection! Can’t be too careful when you spend hours and hours a day in the sun. Plus they are wicking. Typically they get marked down on Amazon now and then. It’s the only shirt my hubby wears to work these days.
Thank you for these ideas. My husband wuld love to have the number 4.