Like Leather. Year Three.

Like Leather. Year Three.

Today Sunflowerfarmer and I celebrate our third year married. Many of you who have followed this relationship from the beginning will be like wow, three!? I know, we are right there with you. Apparently time flies when you are having fun.

Last year I wrote about how I’ve enjoyed giving traditional gifts and really taking some time to contemplate the meaning behind them. Year Three is leather. And I couldn’t think of a more perfect fit.

Leather is known for its durability, resilience, and strength. It is a material that has been used for centuries and continues to be one of the primary materials we still use today. While other materials like cotton may have given way for polyester, rayon, or spandex, leather remains without a substitute. A classic symbol of strength, resilience, and maybe a little rebellion too. I like to think about the legends of the Old West clothed in their leathers.

Much like year three, I feel like our marriage too, has already shown us that it is durable, it is resilient, and it can be stronger than we ever thought possible. And it is this year that will remind us that we have durability and strength as a couple through whatever trials we come to face.

I wrote about in year two how we finally found solace in the comfort that is our marriage. We became comfortable with having a partner in this life and we worked out many of the kinks that occur in year one when you are truly just getting to know one another.

Year three has been different. There have been some serious trials that could have caused our marriage damage and that could have easily put a wedge between us. The journey of trying to start a family hasn’t been easy. At times it has been full of pain, at times it has been full of anger, full of worry, and full of financial stress. And at times it has been full of prayers, full of love, and of course some laughter and fun too.

I stand here today, on our third anniversary, with tears in my eyes and so much pride in that during year three and during these trials we’ve faced this last year, we’ve clung to one another. When I’ve felt utterly broken and I tend to shy away, I’ve carved out time and put priority on spending time with my husband. I have put in the work to remind myself the trials of our life don’t drive our life. And I have constantly reminded myself of the immense blessings God has provided for us.

This year I’ve learned the importance of simply spending time with that husband of mine, especially when we are going through the valley of a trial. Whether it be something as simple as driving around in the truck, cleaning the garage, or even doing something with him when I have a million other things to do, I say yes. And yes, sometimes it is getting out of town and enjoying time exploring a new place together. No matter what it is, it is through those times we carve out together that we build that resilience and strength. We talk, we laugh, and sometimes we just hold hands and enjoy the silence.

I can’t tell you how important that is and how much it has made facing those trials just a little bit easier. That time we set aside together for one another, whether it be intentional or just accidental, is so important. Our relationship has become a refuge for me to find that comfort, to find that strength, and to find resilience when I am feeling alone. And just like leather, we’ll weather the trials and the imperfections life throws at us for years to come. That I am sure of.

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To my darling husband… I don’t tell you this enough but thank you. Thank you for being the strong and steady when I fall apart. Thank you for reminding me of the strength we have together and the strength we are building together to face whatever life throws at us.  I know one day I’ll have to return the favor. I hope we always remember these moments we spent just the two of and never forget us the importance of putting time in for us. I love experiencing life with you and I am so thankful I get to spend my days doing just that. You keep me laughing always, even when I am mad at you. I think I love you more every year we have together. Happy Anniversary, here’s to many more to come! Xoxo

1 Comment

  1. September 7, 2016 / 10:43 am

    The happiest of anniversaries to you! Cheers to many more years of trials and triumphs that you’ll experience together.

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