Faith Friday: Completely Whole

Faith Friday: Completely Whole

Welcome back to Faith Fridays! This week I am going to do something a little different today. Every morning (well I try to make it every morning) while I am doing my makeup and hair, I usually find a sermon to listen to. It’s easiest for me to just be able to listen and plus it starts my day off on the right track soaking up God’s word. This morning, I listened to a sermon that just spoke to me. It was a wonderful and simple concept of who God is, what He has done for us, and what does being a Christian mean. 

If you are one of those people who never grew up in the church, I invite you to take a listen. And even if you did grow up in faith, this sermon is bound to renew your faith and trust in our good Lord who loves us so much. 

“What Just Happened?” – Judah Smith from The City Church on Vimeo.

This week’s faith confession ties in with this sermon perfectly. It is a reminder in that when we choose to accept God’s free gift of salvation, instantly, we are made new. It doesn’t take any work on our part to become completely whole in the Lord. In a society that is dictated by succession through hard work, we always focus on working hard to achieve more, receive more… All God asks is that put your trust in Him, find power in Him, and love Him.

I hope you take the 46 minutes out of your day to listen. 

And it is my hope that you will print this off. And that when you find yourself struggling, when you find yourself tempted, when you find yourself sinning, you remind yourself, your power is in Him and you will speak God’s promise to yourself. 

So welcome again to Faith Friday! Have a wonderful weekend my friends! 


I am completely whole—physically,

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