Many of y’all consistently ask me if I even sleep. How do I get things done? How do I find the time to cook? You know, I am not really sure how I get everything done. It has to be God intervening. But there are some things I don’t get done consistently and that’s okay. So here’s a pretty typical day in the life…
5:25 AM – Alarm goes off. My feet hit the floor. I groggily put on my workout clothes, drink my pre-workout, and fill my water bottle up.
5:45 AM – Leave for 6 AM Crossfit. Get there, set up, stretch
6:00 AM – 7:00 AM – Workout of the day.
7:00 AM – Home. I will be honest, most times I sit around for a half hour, scrolling through social media and checking my email.
7:30 – 8:30 AM – Hit the shower OR take a bath. Depends on how sore I am. While I am getting dressed, I find a sermon on my phone and listen to it. Start my day out with the Lord.
8:30 AM – Eat. Or at least I try. Some days I walk out the door with breakfast in my hand.
9:00 AM – Arrive at work. Ideally I am on time. In reality, this rarely happens.
9:00 – 10:00 AM – This is probably my most productive time of the morning. I write blogs, I make infographics, I do any social media business, I answer emails. Most of the time in the mornings after my workouts my brain is full of all sorts of content so if I don’t sit down first thing when I get to my desk and write, I lose them.
12:00 PM – Eat lunch. Usually I go home and enjoy lunch with my husband. This has changed with harvest. Some days when I reheat my leftovers, I take photos while it is light out for my recipes to share on the blog.
Afternoon – Some days I am solely doing work stuff, some days I am still writing or doing social media stuff along with work. It depends on our season and what we’ve got going on at the office. No matter what though, I am usually in the office in case someone shows up or the phone rings.
5:00 PM – Head home from work. Stop by the grocery store if I need anything for supper. Sometimes I clean, do laundry, and do things at the computer before I cook. Sometimes I will be honest, I plop on the couch and watch an episode of a TV show I’m addicted to. AHEM, Scandal…
6:00 – 8:00 PM This time is typically solely devoted to cooking, eating, and cleaning up that mess.
9:00 PM – Brush my teeth, wash my face, and get in bed. I typically read for a little bit to settle my mind so I can sleep, get up the next day, and repeat.
There you have it… Most days aren’t glamorous. Some days bring unexpected events, but for the most part it’s fairly routine. I owe a lot to planning, whether it be posts on my blog (even though I never seem to follow my schedule) or planning my meals for the week, making a grocery list, and buying everything I will need in one shot. One goal I have for the coming months is trying to stay on a cleaning schedule.
What are some things you do in your daily routine that make life easier?
I know what you mean about cleaning! after being at work and driving an hour home, I do not feel like cleaning! Especially in the winter months or now, when the sun goes down so early! So I set up a strict schedule that I follow and it’s pretty easy! I clean every other week and do touch up in between, when needed. Since neither of us are home all that much, the house doesn’t get that dirty, which is a blessing! Usually Monday nights I dust and fully clean my bathrooms and kitchen, except my master bath room sink. I save that for later in the week since it get gross right away from my makeup. I basically clean really well and make it last for two weeks! Then Tuesday, I break and cook or veg out. I could divide up my dusting between Monday and Tuesday, but I kinda like having a veg out night. It makes me clean better knowing I don’t have to do it Tuesday night too! And in the winters when Taylor is in earlier, it is nice to only have one big night of cleaning and few little cleans during the other nights! Wednesday is usually grocery day, so when I get home, I unpack my groceries and put them away. Thursday, I clean my bathroom sinks, vacuum, and throw in a load of towels. Friday after work, I scrub my floors by hand. Shake rugs, fold towels, and other clothes that are clean. Then Saturday morning I throw in our bedding and enjoy my weekend with a clean house and clean laundry! Hope it helps! 🙂
Do you work for another entity or just have a separate office you go to for your social media work?
Hi Nicole,
I have the luxury and flexibility of working for my husband at our agronomy business. My hours and days can be flexible if the need be which makes it possible for me to get done some social media stuff on my “work time”. Before I worked for him, I would do most of my social media stuff in the evenings and at night!
Ugh a cleaning schedule. Yeah, I have one of those. It’s even hand-written in fancy fonts and taped to the fridge. The last time I followed its orders was four weeks ago. That damn dust bunny family has returned to their former residence situated in the corner of our living room. Way to go, Nicole, way. to. go. #slacker #houseworksucks In other news, I’m sending you a virtual hug because I can and I wuv wu. 🙂