This last week I got a dose of California Love. I flew from the frozen tundra back to visit my family in California. On a side note… never did I ever think I’d post a title channeling a song from Tupac but guess what, it happened. And the more interesting part is I could probably rap that entire song to you. I went through a phase.. White girl from California, gangster rap. Ahem, anyways…
It was my dear mother’s 60th birthday and I decided to surprise the pants off her and fly back for her birthday! And yes, I just shared my mom’s true age.. I guess that age old saying a lady never tells is thrown out the window. But despite the fact I outed my mom’s real age on here, I must say she’s aging gracefully. And she’s made the most out of life. We age, it’s just a fact of life. We may as well life our lives to the fullest, hold the ones we love close, and appreciate the daily blessings in our lives.

I successfully pulled off the surprise. She was absolutely stunned when she turned around to see me standing in her office and there were tears… After lying to her about my farmer taking a snowmobiling trip so I had to stay home over her birthday, she spent the few days prior to her birthday bummed out I wasn’t coming to California to celebrate. But truth be told, I wouldn’t miss my mom’s special day! Needless to say, I MADE her birthday! We spent the day shopping in downtown Chico. Hitting up our favorite boutiques and enjoyed a wonderful lunch from Upper Crust which just so happens to be one of my favorite bakeries in town! Their spicy tuna sandwich and freshly squeezed lemonade is to die for!
But me traveling to California wasn’t the only surprise… That night, we got together about 40 of Mom’s closest family and friends together to surprise her with a dinner party. We rented out one of her favorite restaurants and pulled the surprise off without any glitches! She ended up leaving the restaurant that night saying, “There aren’t any more surprises, right?” I am so proud of my dad and brother for pulling this off! My mom isn’t a lady who is easily kept out of the know.

The next day (and her actual birthday) we spent in the city (Sacramento/Roseville) shopping for a WEDDING DRESS! We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day! And I found THE ONE! Now I won’t reveal what I look like in it.. I guess that’s bad luck..? Although my farmer has seen the photo, whoops. But I will give you all a sneak peak of what’s to come this September…

I couldn’t have asked for a better visit with my Mom. And I think for the first time when she dropped me off at the airport, there were no tears from either of us! Saying goodbye is never easy, but with time we have both grown stronger which makes each goodbye a little easier. So I left sunny California on the same day that a blizzard was set to plague my new home of North Dakota. I would be lying if I told you that I wasn’t anxious all day about what was to come. I haven’t really experienced a North Dakota blizzard as of yet AND I was traveling.. By myself. Two scenarios could have played out.. Number 1 I would be stuck in Denver due to a cancelled flight into Bismarck due to weather or Number 2 I would make it to Bismarck, but be unable to drive back due to weather. Turns out scenario number 2 played out. After SEVERAL delays in Denver due to weather across the nation, our full flight crew finally showed up and we were able to leave and fly into the snow falling in Bismarck. But as it turns out, the snow was falling even worse back at home in Ashley along with 30 MPH winds. So I spent my first night back at home in North Dakota at a hotel in Bismarck, watching Friends on tv, and enjoying delivery pizza on the bed. Classy.
The next day the storm and roads had cleared and I was able to make it home to my farmer. And let me tell you, home never felt so good. I guess home really is where the heart is.. I enjoyed the stay with my family for almost a week, but I was ready to get back to my farmer and our quiet little life on the prairie. And for those of you wondering what post-blizzard conditions look like, here’s a video.. This is mostly for my dear friends and family in California who keep telling me “it’s been so cold!”.. Y’all ain’t seen cold! 😉
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XD_LHHj2uk&w=560&h=315]In the next couple weeks we will be enjoying some time at home, celebrating the Grand Opening of Maverick Ag (can you say EXCITING!?), and then we will be on vacation for about two weeks to the warmer climates of Hawaii and Jamaica! Oh, and there has been some BIG updates regarding our wedding.. Checks are being written, contracts are being signed, it’s getting real folks! Stay tuned for a Wedding Haul post coming up soon! I hope you all had a wonderful post-Holidays season and are getting ready for 2013 to be the best year yet!
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