The Importance of Crop Rotation

The Importance of Crop Rotation

You talk to any farmer across the nation, and most will agree the importance and benefit to crop rotation. Crop rotation plays an important function in farming. Utilizing a crop rotation can help keep pests and diseases under control,  help to…

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Edamame and Rice Casserole featuring Parsley Farms

Edamame and Rice Casserole featuring Parsley Farms

I added edamame and soybeans to my regular cooking when I was challenged this summer doing my Crop of the Month series when I featured soybeans. I decided to make a hybrid of a rice casserole I featured last year…

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Wild Rice and Edamame Sriracha Salad

Wild Rice and Edamame Sriracha Salad

As I am experimenting more and more with soy products during my Crop of the Month series, I am finding more and more uses for them. Really, shelled edamame can be added to anything. Rice pilaf, salads, stir fry. The…

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Soybean Growth Stages

Soybean Growth Stages

I hope you all have been enjoying the Crop of the Month posts! Many of you enjoyed the wheat growth stages post I wrote so I wanted to do the same for soybeans. I’ve already shared a little bit about…

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Flour Tortilla Soft Soy Tacos with Sweet Potatoes

Flour Tortilla Soft Soy Tacos with Sweet …

Continuing my journey into soy foods, I discovered a product called textured soy protein (TSP) or sometimes it is called textured vegetable protein (TVP). In a nutshell, TSP is a defatted soy flour product that is a by-product of extracting…

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Soybeans: The Miracle Bean

Soybeans: The Miracle Bean

Soybeans. What comes to mind when you think of soybeans? For me it is typically tofu. Today, soybeans are the United States’ second largest crop in cash sales and the number one export crop, with about 40 percent of the…

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