Social Media and Blog Year End Review

Social Media and Blog Year End Review

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I seriously love year end reviews. I love looking back on the year we just had. Time goes by so fast it’s easy to forget what all happened. There is something about looking back at the last year, it makes you realize how far you’ve come and of course all the fun adventures and things you did this year. 2013 was a pretty awesome year and has already been deemed The Year of Marriage in my book. I did a personal wrap up two weeks ago that shared some of my highs and even lows of this last year and I plan on sharing a video of photos from our year tomorrow. So I figured I’d do a social media and blog year end review (thanks to Janice and Marie for the idea). This year it seems there are a bunch of social media outlets that are allowing you to take a look at your year in review and I am just LOVING it. Here’s 2013, my year in social media.

Social Media

Facebook in 2013

Screen Shot 2013-12-30 at 12.08.31 PMPin this image on Pinterest

Top Tweets of 2013

Top Tweets of 2013

2013 on Instagram

All in all it's been a pretty amazing year. Farming and wedding pretty much sums it up! Here's to #2014 my friends! #happynewyear

A post shared by Jenny Dewey Rohrich (@prairiecalifornian) on


2013 was a pivotal year for me in blogging. I was featured on some channels that brought me quite a bit more views and readership, but honestly the numbers aren’t what drive me to write. Your interactions here and the passions I have in life drive me to write! But for those of you who are numbers driven, I figured I would share some of my stats for the year. In 2013, I wrote 68 posts which equals out to 1.3 a week. I hope to increase that by next year but at least I tried to blog 1x a week this year. Here are some more stats from my blog in 2013:

Top 10 Posts for 2013

It’s pretty awesome to see that the majority of my top posts were indeed written in 2013 versus still getting traffic from 2012. I write on a variety of topics varying from personal stuff, cooking, food, and farming. It’s pretty neat to see that the majority of my Ag-related posts made it into the top 10 for the year. If you missed any of these posts this year or are just joining me, feel free to hop on over and check them out.

  1. How Marrying a Farmer Will Change Your Life
  3. Stitch Fix Review #2- I Love My Fixes! (this was written in 2012 but continues to draw traffic)
  4. Seven Things I Wish Somebody Would Have Told Me When I Was Dating
  5. Do Farmers Have Choices? 
  6. What Type of Equipment Do Farmers Use to Plant?
  7. My First Fix.. Stitch Fix Review (this was also written in 2012)
  8. Our Great Harleymoon: Intro
  9. Why Do Farmers Check Fields?
  10. Finding the Silver Lining

Top 5 Referrers to my Blog

Facebook has always been my top referrer since the beginning. I guess it means a lot of my friends and family are clicking over to my blog from there. This year it is neat to see that more and more people are finding my blog via search engines. Last year, twitter took the number two spot. Search engines are the reason why both of my Stitchfix posts made it into the top 10 for the year.

  1. Facebook
  2. Search Engines
  3. Twitter
  5. (a forum for farmers picked up my How Marrying a Farmer post and apparently it went quite viral on there)

It’s pretty hard to believe 2013 is over. But it is pretty amazing to look back on all the things that happened this year. I am so blessed to be living this life I am living and to be sharing with you all on a weekly basis. Thank you. Have a very Happy New Year, here is to 2014! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Year in Photos.

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  1. Sarah []
    December 30, 2013 / 4:21 pm

    What a great year for you, Jenny! Can’t wait to see what 2014 brings – happy new year!

  2. December 31, 2013 / 10:23 am

    I love looking at blog’s traffic sources. I need to do a better job with Twitter! What a great and fun year. Happy New Year Jenny!

    • December 31, 2013 / 3:29 pm

      Same to you Val!! I don’t look at my stats as often as I should!! EEEKKK! 🙂

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