I will be honest, although I write quite a bit about being married to a farmer and it may seem like I have it all figured out.. I don’t. By far I don’t. Every day is a new experience with it’s own challenges. And at the end of the day, I am still human, I still struggle, I still stumble. Life and marriage is, without a doubt, a journey. It’s full of ups and downs, passion and pain, joy and sorrow. We all have our own strengths and things we can easily accept. We all have our own struggles and things we can’t easily deal with… And more often than not, it’s easy for us all to get caught up in our own problems.
This past weekend I let myself get wrapped up in my own problems. I let my emotions get the best of me. I was struggling…
….with dealing with my husband being gone.
… with my husband being stressed out with planting.
… with balancing my full life.
In my emotional mess of tears, I quickly forgot about this amazing life I have been blessed with. And all it took was a visit to the farm to remind me. There’s honestly nothing like a trip to the farm to refresh my soul. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. One visit to the farm, taking in my father-in-law planting corn, enjoying the sunset with my husband and I was quickly reminded of my blessings…
Jenny, can you ride along in the tractor? Before children I used to go out to the field and ride along in order to get time together.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
There’s something about the adrenaline rush and the amazing feeling you get when the tractors are rolling. 🙂
Some of my best memories are riding with my grandpa in the combine or tractor late into the night. While my conversations with my grandpa as a young child were probably more amusing than anything, I much rather would have been out there with him than in my room with my Barbies. I sure hope you hop on in there with your hubby and take advantage of the tight quarters and the opportunity to bond on a different level. You never know what conversations will develop. 🙂