Crop of the Month

Welcome to my Crop of the Month Series!!

Why did I start this series…?

Well, we grow four different crops on our farm: wheat, corn, soybeans, and sunflowers.

We grow these crops, honestly, because we have the opportunity to do so. Planting a variety of crops for our operation lowers our risk. What I mean by that is that in our area we can have a great short season and a bad long season or vice versa. In turn, we utilize a variety of short season AND long season crops. Our climate and seasons simply aren’t set up for a full season crop such as corn all the time. 

Out of the four crops we plant, two are broadleaf and two are grasses. We cycle them through in rotations from grass to broadleaf and repeat. A rotation like this also allows us to change modes of herbicide action so that we aren’t putting the same herbicides on the field time and time again. 

I’ve always wanted to share more about each crop so now is the time! For the next four months on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I will be dedicating my blog to one crop. 

Tuesdays will consist of recipes using the particular crop in any given form. For example, during the sunflower month maybe we will make some sunflower butter cookies! Anything is possible. 

Wednesdays will consist of all sorts of fun posts: general information, Q&A sessions, life cycle of the crop on our farm, real time photos of the crop growing on our farm, and maybe if I get adventurous, some video!

Below you will find all the recipes and posts! ENJOY! 

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