A few evenings ago, my farmer surprised me by showing up in the driveway while it was still light out… That is a rare occurrence these days. He wanted to know if I wanted to go drive around for a while which is guy talk for I need to de-stress and check some crops. So I grabbed my camera and hopped in. The weather was threatening rain but it had also been a gorgeous sunny day. The two colliding painted the sky colors I have never seen before. It was gorgeous. I couldn’t stop taking photos… with my DSLR, with my Polaroid, with my phone. I think I said “it is SOOOOOO gorgeous out right now” about 100 times. It was beautiful and as we watched the sun sink behind the fields, I think all the stress of the day went with it too.
If you’ve never taken a sunset drive with the love of your life, do it sometime. It’s relaxing, it’s gorgeous, and it’s the perfect way to end your day.
Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven.
– John Lubbock
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Absolutely beautiful! God is SO good!
Very pretty pictures! Although I love to see Florida sunsets on the ocean, I would never trade a ND sunset for anything 🙂
Great photos! What a great post to share around Independence Day – America is Beautiful! Love the quote too!