Establishing Balance & Boundaries in Motherhood

Establishing Balance & Boundaries in Motherhood
I am almost eight months into motherhood and nearly four months into this working mom gig and I have to say, the transitions into both haven’t been easy. It has been difficult to go from living life as a married couple to living life as a family with a child and potentially future children. I have learned, even in this short time, that finding balance and establishing boundaries for our family has been essential. It not only helps Momma keep her sanity, it also preserves that time we have together as a family which is important. 
And the more I talk about this, the more I realize this is another one of those “unspoken” struggles of motherhood. We all battle on setting priorities, establishing boundaries, and finding balance. And if we never talk about it, we let that pressure rule us as we try to do everything that is placed on our plates and eventually we lose our minds trying to be everything to everyone. Life isn’t meant to be lived feeling strung out, like you’re losing your mind, and constantly burned out – it is much too short for that. So I want to share a couple musings and ways that I have very intentionally set boundaries and curated my life post-baby and journey into motherhood in order to keep my sanity (for the most part) and enjoy the journey every step of the way.


I feel like it is sort of a fog for a while. You are living in the newborn, sleep deprived, and hormone filled haze of newborn life. You are just trying to figure everything out and learning along the way as  you are home with a brand new baby. During this time, the people in your life and maybe even your family gives you license to be absent from things and to take the backseat on many things you may have be active in pre-baby. 
But then, it feels like there’s a moment when it suddenly changes. For me, returning back to work was like I flipped a switch. And suddenly it felt like I was expected to be everything I was pre-baby, as a post-baby new mom. I am suddenly expected to show up and be present and do ALL the things. When in reality, I physically can’t. And honestly, if I tried, I would very quickly burnout or lose my sanity trying. 
I learned really quickly that I needed to prioritize things and establish some boundaries in order to make this new life post baby do-able and also enjoyable. I began with evaluating what I say yes to and what I say no to. 


If you haven’t ever read the Lysa Terkeurst book, The Best Yes, I highly recommend it. It is a wonderful faith based book about deciphering our purpose and living the life that God planned for us. And she discusses all about making wise choices and curating your own life. If we take the time to define our purpose and set our priorities accordingly, it becomes easier to decide what is our best yes and what is our best no. 

And when we realize that we are indeed living out our purpose and the life God meant, we are less likely to feel guilty about those saying no moments. I don’t know about you but at times the guilt over saying no is real. Especially when you live in a small town. But when I remember the priorities I’ve set and the boundaries I am establishing for our family, it becomes easier to say no guilt free knowing that our family will blossom and be fruitful because of it. 


I have come to the realization that no matter how much I try, I can’t do it all OR have it all as contrary to popular belief and what society tells us. Something has to give, sacrifices have to be made. And it is up to me to decide what’s most important and what is to be sacrificed. I may not be able to be supermom, but it doesn’t mean I can’t do many things well. And I am more likely to accomplish the things I set out to do when I pick and choose them intentionally and with careful consideration versus doing them just because it is expected or because I feel pressured by guilt. 

There are A LOT of different things I wish I could be doing at this very moment. Things that I want to add back into my life that were priorities and habits pre-baby, but I know that they won’t become habits again at this current time in my life. And that there will be a time in the future when I have mastered this stage that I will be ready to add more onto my plate. So I have to stop focusing and stressing out about all the things I am NOT doing now and instead focus on the things I am doing and doing them well. This may be something like working out, volunteering, or heck even something like making the bed! Whatever it is – make your mental list of the things you want to do, realistically and do them well. And let the rest go for right now! 


For me, establishing boundaries looks like segregating my time and prioritizing the time I spend with my little man. Since I am back to work and I don’t spend my days with my little man, I value and work to protect the time we have at nights. This even includes trying to unplug from scrolling social media so I can really be present with Levi and Mark if he is home. I have really had to evaluate what evening activities (meetings, town events, etc.) are worth it to me in order to give up that precious time spent with Levi. I have quickly realized that time is absolutely a thief and I won’t get these moments back as Levi continues to grow. 

When I look back on my life, I won’t regret that I prioritized spending time with my kids, I will regret that I prioritized everything else in place of spending time with my kids. And I keep this in mind when I set boundaries to protect that time. For me, this has meant not being as present in many activities I was pre-Levi as well as saying no to things. And let me tell you, not everyone understands that. But that is okay because it is our life, our family, and we have to make decisions in the best interest of that – not everyone else’s lives. 

I hope that sharing my experience and journey in establishing boundaries and finding balance has helped other Mommas out there not feel like they are alone in this struggle. It isn’t easy to make decisions in a world that is endlessly demanding and coming at you a hundred miles an hour. But as I said before, life is short and it isn’t worth living constantly stressed out and feeling burnt out all the time. And if you are, maybe it is a sign that everything on your plate needs to be re-evaluated. Certainly, there will be times and seasons of more stress and business than others. But taking time to set priorities and establish boundaries can ultimately help you navigate all the seasons in life as those things will become healthy habits for a happy and fruitful home life with your kiddos! 


  1. carmenrathwald
    April 27, 2018 / 10:53 am

    Hi Jenny, My children are living on their own now, but I can so relate to what you write! I remember very well being at work presenting to a group with my printed shirt hiding baby spittle from nursing! It’s not easy, but so rewarding! Thank you for sharing to help others!

  2. hannahbutterloveandcowboyscom
    April 27, 2018 / 12:21 pm

    I love this, “So I have to stop focusing and stressing out about all the things I am NOT doing now and instead focus on the things I am doing and doing them well.” I am sure this is something all young mothers can certainly relate to, and also those of us who are in different stages of life definitely can too. Love the post!

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