
Basic Rules for Ribs


  • Ribs of any kind.. Pork, beef, wild game…


  1. Marinate, Pre-cook, OR Cook Low and Slow: Marinating will help improve tenderness as will pre-cooking your ribs. If you choose to simply cook the ribs straight out of the package, you will want to cook them low and slow.
  2. Season Well: Don’t underseason your ribs. Meat in general can usually take quite a bit of seasoning. Be careful with salt, otherwise be generous with the spices.
  3. Indirect Heat: Using a grill? Don’t place your ribs on the hottest part of the grill. Ribs do best on the cooler parts of your grill.
  4. Sauce Throughout: Using a bbq sauce or mop sauce? Make sure you put it on in intervals. By doing this you will add different layers of flavor as the sauce thickens and caramelizes.