
Freezing Sweet Corn


  • Sweet Corn (Husked or De-Husked)
  • Chef’s Knife
  • Electric Knife
  • Cutting Mat
  • Turkey Cooker
  • Mesh Colander
  • Tubs or Tupperware


  1. If corn is not husked, husk by cutting off the butt of the cob (the portion that attaches to the stalk). Make a cut down the middle of the cob (like you were going to butterfly it). Peel the husk away from the cob.
  2. Cut the kernels off the cob using an electric knife and a cutting mat. Use the cutting mat to pour the corn kernels into clean tubs. Heat up a turkey cooker with water to a boil.
  3. Starting with one tub at a time, pour the kernels into the boiling water. Blanch for about 30 seconds to one minute. Retrieve the corn kernels with a mesh colander and return to tubs.
  4. Cool in the fridge overnight and package, about 2 cups per bag, in bags for freezer.